Investing in Cheyenne: 17th Street Lighting Project

At Reiman Corp., we’ve always felt a deep sense of pride for this city on the plains that we call home—especially its beautiful downtown area.

Reiman Corp. has always been invested in the rebuilding of downtown Cheyenne,” says Scott Reiman, Project Manager. “We know how important it is for our community for this area to be thriving and viable.”

Starting all the way back with the Barrett Building in 1950, our team has completed a variety of projects to help revitalize and rebuild the downtown area, including the City Center parking structure, the Depot Plaza, and the Dinneen Building

On June 13th, we were honored to be part of introducing a new addition: The 17th Street Lighting Project, completed in partnership with the City of Cheyenne, the Downtown Development Authority/Main Street, AVI Engineering, Pole Mountain Electric, and Laramie County voters.

This project involved the construction of support poles and the wiring/stringing of lights on 17th Street between Central Avenue and Carey Avenue, creating a more attractive and welcoming area for pedestrian traffic.

We hope to see the 17th Street Lighting Project add one more level to rebuilding a flourishing area for businesses, retail and restaurants,“ Scott says. 

We’re so proud and honored to have been part of this project, and look forward to contributing more to Cheyenne in the future. Here’s to continuing to help our wonderful city grow and evolve!